Friday 19 June 2015

  1. It is evident that a major earthquake will occur in Vancouver as it is on the Juan de Fuca plate. This is an at-risk zone that will eventually cause destruction as others around the world of this kind have. The chilean earthquake may have had the power to trigger earthquakes in plate boundaries such as the Juan de Fuca and as more earthquakes occur around the world, more plates will be triggered. The Nazca plate in Chile moves 6 cm a year and was able to produce a 9.5 magnitude earthquake. Juan de Fuca moves at the similar fast rate of 5 cm a year and will therefore most likely create an earthquake of similar magnitude and destruction. Based on studiesof earthquakes in the pasts, seismologists have devised that earthquakes occur in approximately 200-850 years intervals. Juan de Fuca’s last earthquake occurred 1700 years ago so the chances of an earthquake happening soon are significant.
  2. Geological Setting: Juan de Fuca is subducted below the North american plate as it is moving underneath the continental plate. Grating against Juan de Fuca, the Pacific plate is contributes to a buildup of earthquake-causing stress. Therefore, if Vancouver were to have an earthquake, it would be due to the strain of a transform fault or subduction zone. (youtube link)
  3. A) Liquification: In Vancouver, the highest-risk area for liquefaction is False creek. The soil is very saturated, and therefore vulnerable to this kind of disaster
Landslides: Chilliwack Valley is at a high risk of having a landslide due to the high slope that it is on.
Tsunami: Vancouver Island is at a high-risk area for being affected by a tsunami. Due to low elevation and costal characteristics, the area will be heavily affected by a tsunami should a large scale earthquake occur.
Flooding: Lower lands like the Fraser valley possess lower elevations and are near the coast which makes them more susceptible to being hit with the effects of flooding.
b)Social: -Communication and electrical lines may be destroyed and necessary communication will be corrupted
-People may lack basic resources like water and electricity due to pipeline/wire damages.
-Over 400 people would be killed
-Roads may be destroyed and unusable for transportation.
-Some people will become homeless
-Food could be difficult to access 
-Economic: -There could be over $150,000 in damages
-Commercial buildings/factories may be destroyed
-Government money will go towards supporting affected individuals
-Thousands could lose their jobs due to damages
-Natural resources could be destroyed and no longer able to contribute to Canada’s economy
Infrastructure: -Tunnels could cave in
-Older bridges of poorer construction may fall
-The skytrain will be no-longer functional without the use of electricity(which will probably be gone until restoration) to control the magnets that allow it to run
-Water reservoirs may be contaminated 
-Pavement will crack
4)To be prepared for the earthquake, Vancouver has plans to complete Granville bridge’s upgrade so that it will not be effected by seismic activity. For the social issues occurring with the issue like homelessness and lack of resources, using community disaster support hubs is part of their strategy.

  Commercial buildings are now made with extra caution to become earthquake proof, ensuring the safety of people and the business. Strategies also include enhancing access to the water supply used for firefighting even after the earthquake are being planned as many pipelines will be damaged but as earthquakes are prone to fires and without water, vancouver would be helpless to it, it is essential that there is enough accessible water to fight fires.

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