Friday 19 June 2015

Glacial retreat case study

Glacier National Park: In glacier national park, there is significant glacial recession. Only 25 of the 150 glaciers of Glacier National Park are in existence. It is predicted that by 2030, 5 more glaciers will disappear. The flora and fauna living in the glacial habitats of GNP (lynx, wolverine,flowers) are in decline as global warming occurs and spring snow cover is lost
Antarctica: Likewise, Antarctica's glacial regions are suffering decline. On certain coastal areas of the peninsula, there has been a recorded recession of 55 trillion litres of water annually. In certain areas glaciers are decreasing roughly 4 meters per year. Antarctica's glacial decline is so significant that it has contributed .16 millimetres to the entire ocean yearly.
Social Impact:
-Glaciers are essential for drinking water so as these melt away into the ocean, the world loses available freshwater
-Asia relies on glaciers for irrigation and many will need to change their lifestyle should these disappear
-As sea levels rise, coastal communities will be flooded and beaches will be lost
Environmental Impact:
-Flora and Fauna lifing in glacial environments are gradually loosing their habitat

-Coral reefs are dying as rising sea-level leads to lack of accessible sunlight for photosynthesis
-The weight of glaciers on the earth are suppressing to seismic activity however as they disappear, more earthquakes and volcanoes will occur/erupt
Economic Impact:
-The tourism industries in glacial areas (ex. Glacial National Park) will decline
-Clean freshwater will be in higher demand and need to be conserved more
-Environmental response to glacial retreat results in damage to human development and expenses will need to be paid for repairing purposes
B) Tourism
In the case of Glacier National Park, tourism of the glacial region accounts for roughly 1 billion per year. Should the glacial regions decline, this area's economy will also decline. As the flora, fauna, and beautiful phenomenons created by glaciers disappear, so while guests. Furthermore in 46,000 workers are employed annually for peak tourist season, the tourists spend 1.8 billion, and 1.93 million visitors arrive each year. This region is very dependant on the tourism industry and as glaciers decline, will be negatively economically 

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