Friday 19 June 2015

Energy Assignment 3

1) Based on the cost of implementation, the country's geography, and what Pakistan's government is already doing, Coal is unfortunately the most fitting source of energy to be utilized. Pakistan is a country suffering many economic disadvantages and has high government expenses due to flooding and natural disasters. As over half of the country is said to be below the poverty line and it is considered a third world country, the cheapest option will be most easily available to support the country. Based the government's ethics and priorities in terms of environmental conservation, it is evident that environmentally friendly sources of energy are not highest priority.Pakistan has an abundant of coal to utilize, It's largest coal reserves in Sidh possess 184.623 billion tonnes to the resource. Pakistan is also a major provider of the world's oil and  can easily access it as a source of fuel to be burned. Currently, the government is allowing the county to be 65% reliable on combustable fuel so therefore thermal energy is the most likely to be implemented Pakistan

2)Nuclear power plants are more expensive to erect and maintain than thermal energy generators. Nevertheless they are less expensive to erect than solar energy cells. The country does not produce and store vast amounts of Uranium but has roughly 1,159 tonnes that have been produced and stored. The country is not as abundant in this resource as it is in coal and oil. Currently, the government has 3 nuclear power plants erected that provide 0.9% of the country's energy. This has less potential to be implemented in Pakistan than thermal energy plants do.

3)Solar energy does not seem like the first option that Pakistan would choose for energy production. Considering the country's priorities, it would most likely not spend large quantities of money to erect solar energy cells. Based on the country's desert climate, it would make sense to erect thermal energy plants considering the intense summers climate. Pakistan has vast amounts of sunlight readily available. However, Pakistan currently does not use or generate any significant quantities of solar energy as it mostly relies on thermal and hydroelectric power. Presently, thermal energy has the least potent implemented in contrast to nuclear power and coal use.

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