Thursday 2 April 2015

Climate Controls

Latitude: about 30 degrees N -due to lower latitude and closer proximity to the equator, Pakistan receives more direct sunlight than countries of higher latitude. Higher latitude also results in higher levels of precipitation. Because Pakistan is a continental area, it has a larger seasonal temperature change and more precipitation because it is directly next to the water source of the ocean. Pakistan also has a variety of elevations that affect temperature. Some areas are above 1000 meters in elevation and there are also mountain ranges of 5000 meters. In these regions, temperature is cooler as altitude increases. Furthermore, as the warm ocean currents on the coast of Pakistan generate a warmer air temperature. Pakistan hovers around a subtropical high with the coastal regions exhibiting a wet summer and a dry winter and the more maritime regions being more dry.

( climate graph of Islamabad( capital of Pakistan)

The dominant climate of Pakistan is continental and it generally experiences wet summers and dry winters. Summer temperatures can range very high whereas winters are known to be extremely cold. The most precipitation occurs in august, ranging roughly around 300mm throughout the country.

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