Thursday, 26 March 2015

Waste Management

The waste management system in Pakistan is less then satisfactory as there is a lack of landfills. Instead, it is common for people to illegally dump their waste throughout the country. There is lack of concern for waste management/treatment systems and therefore,the safety of the environment is not a topic of concern. Hazardous waste producing institutions including scientific and medical ones generally do not have the budget to use incinerators so hazardous waste is just dumped in areas such as low-lying areas and ditches or even just the side of the road. The incinerators that are used are run down and aren't maintained well. Overall, environmental and health safety is not a top priority in country.
The challenges of waste disposal are that there is basically nowhere to put the waste. Therefore, urban groundwater is polluted. Toxic waste is dumped in municipal waste disposal areas, contaminating the ground and people that it comes in contact with. Human waste isn't even treated properly as there are barely three somewhat functional sewage treatment plants. The rest of the sewage is used in agriculture. People are eating vegetables that have been watered by human fecal matter.
To improve waste management in Pakistan, the government needs to actually spend money on protecting the health and cleanliness of their country. Approximately 1.3% of Pakistan's budget is used for health purposes.This seems incredibly low as 23.1% of their money is spent on Military. Pakistan needs to invest in more properly functional incinerators, landfills, and sewage treatment plants for the safety and livability of their country.

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