Friday 10 April 2015


Part A

Shaft Mining:

 In shaft mining, an approximately vertical tunnel is excavated to allow miners to extract materials from deep in the earth. The head-frame descends into a shaft which leads to the underground mining facility. This technique is used when desired materials are located deep below the earth's surface.
-Least damaging to the surface of the earth
-Does not destroy the amount of nature that open pit mining does
-Most environmentally friendly
-Only the shaft is visible
-More effective for diamond mining and metals
-The most tedious method
-Less efficient
-More dangerous to navigate
-Restrictive space
-Groundwater issues

Strip Mining:

Surface mining is used when desired material is located near the surface of the earth. Overburden (top layer of the ground) is removed and moved with explosives into an empty pit and a large pit is excavated into the lithosphere for the extraction of minerals.Methods include area stripping or contour stripping. Open pit mining is similar and is done by removing materials from the earth from an open pit.
-Less dangerous to navigate
-Most efficient for sedimentary mining
-Useful when material is too unstable for tunnelling
-Useful when desired material is close to the    surface and overburden is thin
-Destructive towards vegetation, water sources, and topography
-Large amounts of rock waste is left, useless if not reclaimed
-Often when reclaimed, human sewage sludge is used( not a good material to be exposed to)
-Ecosystems are often destroyed

Part B

Spouse: If I were the spouse of a miner, I would prefer that he work in an open-pit mine. That way it there would be less chance of him being injured in an accident and he may be payed more as well as have a better chance of obtaining a job due to the turnout of product produced

Owner of a mining company: If I were the owner of a mining company, I would not be able to live with myself knowing that my work permanently destroys ecosystems and therefore would chose shaft mining because it is less damaging to the earth's topography. There may be more liabilities as injuries would be more likely to occur in shaft mining however the equipment for shaft mining costs less and it would take a significantly lower toll on the environment. Just because I may earn more money in a more efficient mine does not mean that I would be able to produce 5,000 tonnes of waste each day.

Environmentalist: If I were an environmentalist, I would definitely choose the option of shaft mining because it would not disrupt the earth's topography or ecosystems nearly as much as surface mining. Water would be less affected and the health of surrounding people would be more safe as less harmful leeching elements such as cyanide and mercury would be utilized.

Owner of a nearby ski resort: If I were the owner of a nearby ski resort, I would opt for preserving the surrounding scenery. Because strip mining/open pits obliterate forests and are an eyesore to look at, I would choose shaft mining as the impact visible would be mostly underground.

Politician: If I were a politician, I would want as many people in the area that I represent to be employed and therefore (if I was careless and not a supporter of the environment) would vouch for the operation of an efficient surface mine. This would have the potential to bring the area a better economy.

Part C

The mining industry accounts for a great amount of Pakistan's economy.
Materials mined include...
-Mineral Salt
-Iron ore
-Precious gems/stones
-Fire Clay

Pakistan's mountains are rich in resources and imports some of the world's finest Grade A marble. In Reko Diq, producing over 170,000 metric tons of gold per year.Huge old salt mines known as the  Kherwa Salt mines are also very significant to the Pakistani economy as approximately 325,000 tons of salt is extracted yearly. The ideal time of year for mining is in the warmer spring and summer months however the mining industry thrives throughout the year. Shaft and surface mining are both practiced.


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