Thursday 26 February 2015

Air masses, Global winds, and Types of Rain

The dominant air mass that impacts Pakistan is mostly Tropical (due to low latitude and warm weather) and mostly Continental (although one part of it is in contact with the ocean, the land is mostly inland). Towards the coast, the climate varies from warm to breezy however as the country progresses more inland, there are higher elevations and generally cooler temperatures. The changing of the seasons is characterized by a cold, dry winter, a hot and dry winter, and a wet summer of monsoons. The country of Pakistan is affected by the trade winds. Pakistan is also in close proximity to the Indian Ocean Gyre. The most abundant source of rainfall in Pakistan is in the form of the southwest monsoon, a natural occurrence that causes many intense floods And land-issues. It is common because of Pakistan's proximity to the cold regions of Asia (Himalayas). Monsoons blow from the cold to warm regions so the wind that blow through regions such as the Himalayas bring the Monsoons to Pakistan.

Monday 16 February 2015

Kashmir Quake

On October 8, 2005, what has been ranked as the 15th deadliest earthquake to have been recorded occurred in the northwest region of Asia. The Kashmir earthquake struck the India-Pakistan boarder and killed approximately 73,000 people while rendering 3.3 million homeless.

The region of Kashmir is located at the juncture of the Eurasian and Indian tectonic plates which is considered seismically unstable. When they collided, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Northern India were gravely affected.

The juncture of the earthquake was devastating as buildings literally slid off of the earth. Entire parts of towns ended up sliding off of cliffs and the landslides buried roads and buildings. Large cracks were formed in the once-flat ground and towers collapsed. Many of the survivors who were left in this desolation froze to death in the winter. Furthermore, necessary resources were scarce as food was an issue and broken sewage pipes introduced contamination to the water supply, spreading disease those who drank it.

This earthquake had affected the lithosphere(tectonic movement), the biosphere(humans and infrastructure), and the hydrosphere(water supply). The earthquake caused the lithosphere to change shape as the tectonic plates  moved. Cracked ground and landslides also indicate an effect to the lithosphere. The humans who were killed/injured, the dying animals, scarcity of plants, and destroyed infrastructure are all part of the biosphere which was affected by the shock of the lithosphere. Furthermore, the pollution of the water supply involves the hydrosphere which was initiated by the lithosphere and effected the biosphere (humans). Hydrospheric change in wave activity could have been initiated by the movement of the lithosphere. The movement of the lithosphere may have also affected the atmosphere by releasing methane gas. Methane itself has been known to cause global warming in the atmosphere which would affect the humans of the biosphere.Moreover, global warming affects the hydrosphere by causing natural sources of freshwater to melt. This earthquake drastically impacted the four spheres.

Wednesday 11 February 2015


2) Pakistan is located in south Asia and boarders the Arabian Sea. In the North, it is boardered by China, Boarded on the West by Iran and Afghanistan, and India

3)Islamabad- Population: 2 million
4)Size: Area=796,09 km²
5)Population>180 million
6)Type of Government= Islamic Republic of Pakistan (federal and parliamentary republic)